About Us




Our journey with American Staffordshire Terrier breed are begins in 1996.

These dogs have had a great impression on us.

 On 2000, we bought female (Celia Girl Nefer) aka Shila who still lives with us.

Later on we had a male after Shila (Bhaktivinod Das Goloka) call Pysiek who done quiet well on the ring. He presantly lives in Holland

We breed American Staffordshire Terrier since 2000. From 2006 we live in Ireland.

We are the first registered American Staffordshire Terrier kennel in the Irish Kennel Club

During this time we had a few successful litters.

All our dogs are under permanent veterinary control, and posses certificates of health examination.

Almost all our dogs were brought to Ireland from abroad, where cropping ear’s is still legal, but croping ear’s in Ireland is ILLEGAL!

Please don’t ask about cropping ear.

This is our fresh new awesome website and I am sure your gona love it

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